Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gently reconnecting my head to my body

So I recently returned from a trip home to see the familial bosom and hang out with my sister and the rest of my family. My mind is still racing. Here's what I like about Utah: Here's what I don't like about Utah: I have a lot to say about the state of cancer, the state of my family and the state of Utah. But I think I'll sit back until I'm less frustrated and overwhelmed. Glad to be home, though. Yes indeedy.


radishly said...

Welcome back. You and your big sis have been in my heart lately. I hope you're able to decompress without any migraine interference and that the trip brought at least some peace to you.

Lee said...

Glad to see your sense of humor in the midst of this hard time. Keeping you in my thoughts!

Irish Gumbo said...

I like the pics! I didn't know you were a cartoonist, too!

Welcome back. Please, hop over to IG, I have a beer or a glass o' vino sitting out for you.

Deep breath, settle, then us kids will gather around for a story...

Sprite's Keeper said...

Sometimes, there really is no place like home.
(Oh, that was cheesy, sorry.)

Fortune Cookies said...

I have to tell you, being from Tennessee - smack dab in the middle of the bible belt, I actually had my chai tea project from my nostrils when I saw that cartoon!

Jason, as himself said...

That is exactly how I feel.

I love Mt. Timp. I think it is the most beautiful mountain in the world.

Growing up right at the base of it, it didn't seem that remarkable to me. But now.....